martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015


         English in ESO

1.Using English
English must be used at all times during English class, both when addressing the teacher and when speaking to a classmate. The only exception is during emergency situations.

If a student speaks Spanish in class, his name is recorded and his readiness mark is lowered.  After three incidents he is reported to the coordinator for punishment. 

2. Readiness
Readiness counts as 20% of the evaluation. The mark begins as a “0” and must be worked for.
Question: How can I get a good readiness mark?
1. Be prepared for class with the textbook, copybook, completed homework and a pen. Correction fluid (Tippex) is not permitted.
2. Participate as much as possible. Participation  and interest will raise your readiness score.
3. Do your homework.  I don´t assign much, so I expect that what I assign is completed….
4. Behave…

Homework must be done COMPLETELY.  You must attempt each activity. Not understanding an activity is not an excuse to leave it blank. If the homework assignment is not complete, it is recorded as missed homework. 
With one missed homework your maximum mark for readiness becomes an 8, with 2  it becomes a 6, with three missed homeworks the readiness mark automatically becomes a zero.
 You will be given a note in your diary for your parents to sign after missing 2 homeworks. If you copy homework from a friend, it will be counted as a missed homework for both of you  and your friend, and you will be given a discipline form.
If a student is absent from class and then comes to school before the class meets again, he is responsible for completing the homework for the next class. I consistently update both Educamos and my blog, so it is your responsibility to find out what you missed.

 Your behaviour directly affects your readiness mark. You are expected to pay attention and be quiet while I am talking.  I do my best to make the classes participatory with lots of group work and games, but it depends on your behaviourIf you cannot remain quiet during my explanations, you will have to leave the room for the good of the class.

If you misbehave, there is an established disciplinary protocolThis ensures that all students are treated equally.
At the first instance you receive a verbal warning
If you continue to misbehave, you receive a visual warning (a yellow card) and can possibly be sent out of the class for a few minutes to give you the opportunity to stop and think about what you are doing
If you continue, I will write a note home in your diary and you will have to bring it to me signed before coming into the next class
If you carry on misbehaving, you will receive a discipline form

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