miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Unit 10, vocabulary

Part 1
·         TV programmes:

1.      Chat show --- famous people speak about themselves
2.      Game show --- people play games and answer questions, quiz
3.      Music videos
4.      Sitcom --- a television or radio series about a particular group of characters  who deal with situations in a humorous way (situation comedy)
5.      Comedy show
6.      Series --- a set of programmes which are all about the same person or people
7.      Documentary --- deals with real people and events
8.      Reality TV --- doesn’t use actors to show real events
9.      Soap opera --- a television or radio series about the imaginary lives of a group of people

·         Adjectives used to describe programmes:

1.      Disappointing – below the expectations
2.      Depressing – makes you feel very sad
3.      Dreadful – very bad, terrible
4.      Entertaining – interesting, keeps your full attention
5.      Amusing – interesting, entertaining
6.      Exciting – you want to watch more
7.      Exceptional – one of a kind; the very best
8.      Fantastic -- wonderful
9.      Original – exceptional, one of a kind
10.  Boring – opposite of exciting
11.  Slow – nothing really happens
12.  Hilarious – super funny
13.  Popular – lots of people watch it
14.  Famous –known by everyone
15.  Enjoyable – one likes watching it
16.  Satisfying – up to one’s expectations, opposite of disappointing
17.  Suitable – for the right age or group of spectators
18.  Unbelievable – hardly believed

Part 2

·         Leisure time (n) – free time
·         Cast (n) – a group of people who act in a film or a programme
·         Script (n) – contains all the words that actors have to learn
·         Audience (n) – the spectators, people watching a show
·         Rehearsal (n) – a practice of a performance
·         Audition (n) – test for actors before they get the part
·         Play (n) – theatre performance, show
·         Critic (n) – a person
·         Review (n) – a judgement or opinion of a film, book, theatre performance
·         Stage (n)  - a place in the theatre where actors stand and perform
·         Act (v) – what actors do, to pretend you are someone else
·         Performance (n) - play
·         Performers (n) - actors
·         Backstage (n) – area behind the stage where all actors go when they finish acting
·         On the air/ off the air (phr) – live broadcast, shown on TV or radio/ NOT broadcast
·         Season (n) – set of series that belong to the same edition, broadcast in one part of the year
·         Schedule (n) – timetable, all the things that need to be done at a certain time
·         Broadcast (v) – to emit, to show to viewers

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